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Home Kreatininové normy pro diabetes

Kreatininové normy pro diabetes

My dad s age is 50. He had a test for microalbumin The result is 1100 mg/day. As per my knowledge this is very high. Can you please suggest how to reduce the microalbumins level and what type of diet he should follow and also suggest some tablets.

Katalog Diabetes LIFE

Tum hastalara idrar analizi, idrar kulturu, serum kreatinin (Cr), kan ure nitrojeni (BUN), kalsiyum, fosfor, paratiroid hormonu, 24 saatlik idrar ornegi, tam kan sayimi (CBC), direct uriner sistem grafisi, abdominal pelvik ultrason islem oncesi degerlendirildi.

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Our expert says: FitnessDoc. Hi Carina Creatine is a substance which is found naturally in the body, and its function is to provide energy for very short, high intensity periods of exercise.
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Drinking more water could lower the serum creatinine level, but does not change kidney function. Forcing excessive water intake is not a good idea. I suggest that you drink based on thirst and not excessively hydrate.
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My kreatinin level is 124 is that normal? - Answered by a verified Doctor. most commonly diabetes, high blood pressure, or autoimmune diseases.
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Indikace pro dodání analýzy na různých kreatininu: onemocnění ledvin, svalové dystrofie a jejich poškození, hluboké popáleniny, endokrinních poruch (zejména štítné žlázy a diabetes), ileus, onemocnění kardiovaskulárního systému. Dát směr analýzu kreatininu, a strávit rozluštění biochemie může jen specialista.

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