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Léčba cukrovky v Berdyansku

During the Chernobyl disaster, Alexei Ananenko, Valeri Bezpalov, and Boris Baranov were tasked with preventing a potentially disastrous steam explosion, by opening the sluice gates to drain a bubbler pool. Many sources have the three dying soon after (≈ 2 weeks) to radiation poisoning.

Kořen zázvoru pro diabetes typu 2

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Celkem 1,1 milionu Čechů má cukrovku. Sto tisíc diabetiků 1. typu a milion 2. typu žije díky umělému inzulinu. Díky vyspělé medicíně a pokročilým technologiím .
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Zakharov v. Russia was a 2015 court case before the European Court of Human Rights involving Roman Zakharov and the Russian Federation.The Court ruled that Russia s legal provisions governing communications surveillance did not provide adequate safeguards against arbitrariness or abuse, and that therefore a violation took place of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights (right.
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Amazing un-seen photos from the Chernobyl disaster (Page 5) The residents of Pripyat knew there had been an accident, but had no idea how severe it was, and went about their day as usual on the Saturday.
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GRAND CHAMBER CASE OF ROMAN ZAKHAROV v. RUSSIA (Application no. 47143/06) JUDGMENT STRASBOURG 4 December 2015 This judgment is final but it may be subject to editorial revision.
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Cukrovka je nemoc, při které tělo nedokáže regulovat hladinu krevního cukru neboli stejně jako vyvážená strava, základem prevence i léčby cukrovky.

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